Haiku Deck is a wonderful app I started having students use last year. It is very easy to pick up and it also has a web version where you can go and look at the projects as well. If you want to see your student's project they are currently working on you can download the app for free or go to the website below and check them out. They all logged in with their Gmail account and password.
3.8 The student will investigate and understand basic patterns and cycles occurring in nature. Key concepts include
a) patterns of natural events such as day and night, seasonal changes, simple phases of the moon, and tides

After they had a good plan and an idea of what they were looking for they were off to get their i Pad. I love this app and how quick the kids are able to learn how to navigate it.
Here is our first finished project with many more to come. Lillian did an amazing job and was very focused. Enjoy!
Cami.cycles - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires