Monday, September 24, 2012

Ooeey, Gooeeyy!!!

Here is a few pics of what the kids are doing while I am teaching reading at the back table. 

Here is our Oooeey, gooey mess that the most of the children loved. Some of them thought it was to oooeey and did not like getting their hands dirty. =) We are making paper mache globes!! This was our second go around, next time we will be painting!

 And I will leave you with my boy. Can I say that this momma is so proud that he loves books so much! He is now OBSESSED with them, and after reading ALL day with my other kiddo's I get to read ALL night at home. =) Love it.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Science Experiments!

A week ago our class molded and baked a volcano. At the end of the day we made it explode. Here are a few pics of how it went.

 Our Friday experiment this week was put of until Monday because we had some surprise visitors. Some Blackburgs Football teammates came to talk and read to our class! They were very excited.
 We ended our Friday with Jaydens Birthday! Happy Birthday Jayden!
Have a great week all!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome Back!!!

 The first day of school was FABULOUS! We have the most well behaved, sweet, adorable kids in our class this year. We read the book First Grade Jitters. After we finished reading it we talked about all of our jitters and made some Jitter Juice to make our jitters go away.  It was also Hayden's Birthday! We had some of our Jitter Juice while we ate Hayden's birthday cookies, which were delicious.

We have also been working alot on read to someone and read to self. here are a few pictures of us practicing. Our stamina is up to about 15 minutes at a time. The first day we started it was 1.5 minutes.

Today we went on a nature walk outside to hear, feel, smell, and see what was happening with the last few days of Summer. We will do this again each season. The students LOVED this!!