First, I want to apologize for taking so long to write this post. Secondly, I want to tell you all how much I am enjoying all of your wonderful children. This year is going very well. Here is a few pics to show you what we have been up to.
Odd and Even Town
This project was so much fun. Our math program introduced odd and even numbers last week. Perfect opportunity for this oh so fun project! The students loved it and it really helped some of the students with the concept.

Senses Man is such a cool way to introduce the five senses. It hangs on our classroom door to remember to use our five senses when investigating. We also did "What is a Scientist". I found this great idea on
Pinterest (my new obsession). =)
How to Blow A Bubble, I found this cute idea on another blog. I wish I could remember which one to give credit. This took us a little while to get through all of our drafts. But look how fun this project is. We started out by chewing on some bubble gum and then went through the writing process. Oh my job is so much fun! As you can see I have NO wall space outside my door way. I do the best I can to display work. The work itself makes it look cute enough. =)
I cannot forget the oh so fun apple day. I LOVE apple day! We painted some festive wreaths, using apples as our paintbrushes. We made apple mouths and candy apples, YUM! We did some stain glass apples which always look fabulous on the windows (Thanks you for the great idea Mrs. Bainbridge). Lastly, we investigated apples, weighting on a balance scale using bear manipulative's, measuring them, discovering if they sink or float, and lots more.
And on a personal note, my baby boy had his sixth month appointment yesterday. Growing so fast, he measured at 22 inches and weighed in at 18 lbs and 10 ounces (both in the 60 percentile).
Well I have to go for now. Hopefully (cross your fingers), it will not take me this long next time to post pictures.